Men's Converse Logo Printing Short Sleeve White 10018486-A01
Chinese > English] : I found this antique chart belonging to my chinese great-grandmother, I guess from the Changle district (characters above). I translate almost all the characters but the text doesn't Momo 儗僨傿乕僗 慡恎僞僀僣 僙僋僔乕 儗乕僗 儃僨傿僗僩僢僉儞僌 摟偗 栐僞僀僣 壴暱 : ホビー
支那そば 僉 | ラーメンデータベース
支那そば 僉(花巻/ラーメン) - Retty
Men's Converse Logo Printing Short Sleeve White 10018486-A01
Chinese > English] : I found this antique chart belonging to my chinese great-grandmother, I guess from the Changle district (characters above). I translate almost all the characters but the text doesn't
支那そば 僉』【花巻市】 | おすすめランチ♪~花巻・北上・一関・奥州・西和賀・金ケ崎・平泉~| まいぷれ[花巻・北上・一関・奥州]
Some screenshots I'd like to share : r/HeroesandGenerals
塩つけめん 特盛 by支那そば 僉 | 岩手発!がっつき亭めんめんの麺日記
支那そば 僉 | ラーメンデータベース
僉 (@s__lpis8) | TikTok
塩つけめん 特盛 by支那そば 僉 | 岩手発!がっつき亭めんめんの麺日記
This kanji "僉" means "all"
支那そば 僉(花巻/ラーメン) - Retty