Learn Japanese with Tanaka san | *what does おつかれさま literally means?* ・ You may heard of Otsukaresama and probably know when to use it, but do you know it's a phrase that...
happy 70th (years YOUNG) birthday to MA DUKES, Yuko❗️🙏🏽🥰🎂❤️❤️❤️ just got out of the phone with her after seeing her earlier last month in Japan. I hope you're seventieth year would be
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Learn Japanese with Tanaka san | *what does おつかれさま literally means?* ・ You may heard of Otsukaresama and probably know when to use it, but do you know it's a phrase that...
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happy 70th (years YOUNG) birthday to MA DUKES, Yuko❗️🙏🏽🥰🎂❤️❤️❤️ just got out of the phone with her after seeing her earlier last month in Japan. I hope you're seventieth year would be